Monday, March 09, 2015

Adventures Lately

Here are some happenings around here as told the best way possible.. in pictures :)

Flying with Daddy!  Both kiddos love to do this, all the time :)  This is actually rocket ship... Mommy does airplane on her feet!

Poor Lucky-Lou had surgery on her knee a week ago, she is recovering well, but can not run or jump for 6-8 weeks, which is much easier said than done.  Thankfully she gets her staples out on Friday and will be cone free!!!

In a fun twist of events the same weekend Lucky came home from surgery all 4 of us got the flu!  That was a great time.  Unfortunately Zoe was not able to take care of us, so Mom and Dad had to pull it together.  After a few house bound days we were finally able to get out to Cabela's to visit the fish.  And Ella asked where Santa was :)

Just a boy and his gun... or something like that.

After getting some new bows at Target Ella decided that she wanted to wear ALL her bows (or a lot of bows), from the front it actually looked like a really cute bow crown, but she wouldn't let me get a picture like that :)

Ella is SOOOO ready for summer (aren't we all?) and wants to wear her swimsuit all the time, I picked up these swim floats for the kiddos at Costco last week and she wore it around the house for about 2 hours.  Her arms are blurry in the bottom picture because she is "swimming".  I don't know where she get it from.  (Just kidding, I would give anything for a good swim right about now!!!)

Ella is in a little gymnastics class at the Y one day a week right now.  After 2 classes it is going pretty well although the class has a lot less structure than I would prefer.  It is nice because the Y offers babysitting so Max is able to go there for an hour while Ella and I are in the class.  I swear she wasn't as worried about the balance beam as she looks!

This weekend it warmed up to about 45 degrees (don't laugh Kristin!) so we got outside and hit up the zoo.  We had a great time and although not all of the animals were out we saw enough to make it worth it and came home to grill out.  And Ella had the time of her life!

In other news... I'm starting to get asked more and more if Ella and Max are twins... I imagine as Max becomes more and more mobile this is only going to happen more frequently!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Max is ONE!

Holy cow am I late with this post!  Eek!!!  His pictures were taken on time at least?


This big guy was happy to turn 1 and officially join the world of toddler-hood.  He continues to be very busy and loves to be on the go.  About 2 days before his first birthday he took his first steps - he practically ran 5 or 6 steps to Grandpa Boehm :)  Since then his walking has steadily improved, he has several times where he walks independently now, but his main way of getting around is still crawling, but not for long!!

At his one year well check Max weighed 26 lbs, 2 oz (96th percentile) - he has officially overtaken Ella who on the same day, fully clothed, weighed in at 26.0lbs.  He is 30" tall (63rd percentile) - so he's got short little legs still, poor guy.  But he is healthy and his ears have stayed clear for awhile now, so we are thankful for that!

He has finally decided to start eating table food (yay!) and is a pretty good eater now that he has figured it out.  He still takes his 4 bottles (milk now!), but we are working on sippy cups, but still struggling to find one that he likes/knows how to work.  He still sleeps great at night, he goes to bed about 7:30 and sleeps until about 7:30 or 8 the next morning.  His afternoon nap is now pretty consistent unless he gets some sleep in the car in the morning, then his schedule gets thrown off a bit.

He loves his big sister, even when she is not always nice to him.  Typically they get along very well and she loves to give him hugs and kisses and bring him things, but now that he can get to more and more of "her" things she has been know to push him down.  But... considering he is going to be bigger than her soon, I think that will balance out ;)

We had my parents and sister's family out for a little birthday party for Max and had a nice weekend together.  Max would not even try his first cupcake!!!  We tried to give it back to him multiple times and he was not having it.  So no real messy face pictures to share...

Ella on the other hand was more than happy to have a cupcake :)
Two kiddos this young has been an adventure, but we sure are grateful for our Max!


Ella's one year post is found here.  And side by side:

And just because for the first time she wanted in on the photo shoot...

2 and a half years

Monday, December 29, 2014

Max is 11 Months Old!

Only one month left to go until we have a 1 year old around here!  That sure went by quick!  Max is a very busy little guy, he loves to crawl and walk along the furniture and always be where the action is.

Max had another Dr. appt about 10 days before his 'birthday' and he weighed in at 23 lbs, 10oz... I think though that he is finally healthy for a bit!  Of course now that I have said that I probably jinxed it.  Fingers crossed!  He is still in 12 and 18 month clothes and size 5 diapers.  He still loves to crawl and walk on furniture - on Saturday he finally figured out how to walk with his little walker!  And he has gotten quite good with that too!

His latest trick is that he can stand while leaning against things without hold on with his hand - he has also stood completely on his own for a few seconds a couple of times, so I think he will be mobile soon :)  Ella started walking at about 13 months, so we will see if he beats big sister or not! ;)

Max loves pretty much all veggies but I can't really get him to eat any fruits so we have to keep working on that, and I'm getting better about giving him more and more finger foods :)

He is still a great sleeper at night and has recently become a better napper, for about the last week I have been able to get him and Ella down for about 3 hours at the same time - it has been a life saver!!!  (Especially since I have been sick as well...)

Max is generally very happy and always wants to play with his big sister, but he will definitely let you know when he is tired and hungry, he gets cranky quick :)

He has brought a lot of joy in the last 11 months!


Ella at 11 months can be found here.  And a side by side comparison: